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Home » News » Make Hourglass 24/7 and challenge the unthinkable

Veronica Gray

DCEO, Hourglass & Director of Policy

It’s unthinkable that an estimated 2,700,000 older people are abused in the UK each year. This abuse could be financial, physical, sexual, psychological or through neglect.

Hourglass, the UK’s only charity focused exclusively on elder abuse and safer ageing is leading the way in making this unthinkable issue as unacceptable as child abuse or animal cruelty. It’s all too easy to look the other way and even easier to see this as someone else’s problem, but as we live longer, we all need to do our bit to protect older people.

There is a common misconception that domestic abuse ends at age 60. There’s also confusion about what ‘elder abuse’ actually is. So, this year Hourglass refocused its efforts on a safer ageing agenda. This ensures older people subjected to abuse, harm, intimidation, scams, or fraud know that Hourglass is there to listen, advise and support. After all, we are all going to get older and Hourglass believes everyone should be able to age safely.

It’s all too easy to look the other way and even easier to see this as someone else’s problem, but as we live longer, we all need to do our bit to protect older people.

Hourglass runs the UK’s only 9am to 5pm elder abuse helpline, instant messenger and text service. This year, it has launched the first online Knowledge Bank to further expand access to the charity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During the national lockdown and the pressure cooker environment it created, we saw calls to the helpline increase as older people were often trapped with their abuser.

Sadly, this unique helpline and messaging service are only open during office hours and we desperately need to make this a 24/7 operation. We get almost 10,000 calls a year but nearly 20% of these cannot currently be answered as they are outside working hours. You can help Hourglass be there for every out of hours caller, it could literally be a life saver.

You can support the 24/7 campaign by making a donation
Or by texting SAFER to 70460 to donate £10.
Texts cost £10 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work via telephone and SMS. If you’d like to give £10 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text SAFERNOINFO to 70460.
We need you to stand up and be counted. We need to be 24/7.

Hourglass is the working name of Hourglass (Safer Ageing) Ltd, a charity registered in England and Wales (reg. no: 1140543), and also in Scotland (reg. no: SC046278). Hourglass (Safer Ageing) Ltd is registered as a company in England and Wales under number 07290092.

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