Caroline Abrahams CBE
Charity Director, Age UK
High inflation has led to accelerating prices for everything; but for older people, it has been the rising cost of energy that’s the hardest to bear.
When the nights start to draw in, winter can’t be too far away. Unfortunately, at Age UK, we know that for many older people, the changing seasons will be triggering acute anxiety about managing through the colder months to come.
Cost of energy in winter and health concerns
As we get older, we tend to feel the cold more. In addition, ageing bodies don’t respond as well to temperature extremes, making it important to stay adequately warm — especially if you have lung or heart problems. That was challenging last year because of soaring prices — and it threatens to be this winter, too.
People pushed to choose either to heat or eat
To make things worse, the UK has some of the oldest housing stock in Europe, that’s expensive to heat. A major national insulation programme that keeps bills down and helps us meet our net zero commitments is long overdue.
In the meantime, energy price inflation has overwhelmed many households on low and middle incomes. Many older people have faced a choice between ‘heat or eat’ since the crisis began.
Many older people have faced a choice between
‘heat or eat’ since the crisis began.
Government must provide adequate support
The Government’s support with energy bills last winter made a crucial difference, as did its decision to activate the ‘triple lock,’ so the State Pension kept pace with inflation. We will be pressing Ministers to take similar action this year.
But even if we succeed, the chances are it will not be enough for everyone. Some older people have exhausted their savings, or ‘maxed out their credit cards,’ leaving them even more exposed to high energy prices.
Finding sources of energy support
If you are worrying about your energy bills, do not despair or think that the only way out is to turn the heating off. Your energy company is obligated to support you, and there are other sources of help. For example, millions of older people are not receiving all their welfare entitlements because they do not claim them. Benefits like Pension Credit can make a huge difference.
Where to start? Through Age UK’s campaign, ‘Know What To Do,’ we want older people to know that no one needs to cope alone. We are here to help and know what to do. You do not have to face this crisis alone.
Check out our website ageuk.org.uk/know or call our advice line on 0800 169 65 65. It’s free, confidential, open every day and staffed by people who will listen and want to help.