Caroline Abrahams
Charity Director, Age UK
As we head into autumn, it’s no exaggeration to say that many of us are facing a perilous winter because of soaring energy prices and inflation.
Even before the next round of energy price rises kicks in, daily life has become unaffordable for many older households on modest incomes. Millions are unable to pay for basic items such as food and energy.
Impact on older people
The escalating cost of living crisis in the UK is a nightmare for all, especially for those on low incomes — among them millions of pensioners who are completely reliant on their State Pension and benefits. Tackling this crisis must be the number one priority for the Government.
Leonard is among thousands of older people who have recently been in touch with Age UK, telling the charity:“Since the 1st of June, when my wife passed away, I have all the costs of running the house from my pension. Recent increases in the cost of living will sink my boat unless there is some form of assistance.”
We’re urging anyone who is struggling with their bills to get in touch with us to find out if they’re entitled to extra financial support.
Lack of support
Because so many pensioners depend on the State Pension as their source of income, the Government must stick to its promise and reinstate the triple lock next year.
However, without a serious injection of additional support, millions of pensioners could certainly find themselves in dire financial straits over the coming months, including those who were in a secure position until very recently. For many older people — those with health problems above all — staying warm at home is not a luxury but critical.
We’re urging anyone who is struggling with their bills to get in touch with us to find out if they’re entitled to extra financial support. Successfully claiming Pension Credit, for example, not only boosts your income but can also open the door to a wealth of additional support.
Older people and their friends or carers can call Age UK’s free advice line on 0800 169 65 65 or visit www.ageuk.org.uk/money or contact their local Age UK for further information and advice.